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Abzorb becomes Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) enabled by Transatel

November 21st, 2019

Abzorb becomes Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) enabled by Transatel

The business telecoms provider has announced a partnership with Transatel to become an MVNO under the brand name abZ

Abzorb has announced a partnership with Transatel, BT Wholesale’s Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) partner, under the brand name abZ.

MVNOs – third-party companies that purchase telephone and data airtime from the main operators – account for more than 10 per cent of all mobile users worldwide.

The abZ MVNO agreement with Transatel will allow Abzorb to enable businesses to brand the MVNO service as their own while utilising EE’s leading UK mobile network infrastructure. According to the latest report from Rootmetrics, the EE network is 2-3 times faster on average than other UK mobile networks and according to Ofcom has 6-10 per cent more 4G coverage than other UK operators

Today’s agreement allows the Yorkshire-based business telecoms provider to offer a mobile service that gives companies ‘total control’ by giving them flexibility to move between network providers while leaving them in charge of mobile utilisation and network settings.

Nick Wootten, MVNO Director at BT Wholesale said: “It’s really exciting to see abZ launch to market, with an innovative solution that differentiates Abzorb from other channel partners. The ability to manage customers in near real-time has huge value in the channel and when combined with access to the UK’s biggest and fastest mobile network, will provide an outstanding customer experience.”

Abzorb is now driven to become the first business mobile provider to offer as close to real-time network and customer monitoring as is physically possible for reseller partners.

Matt Dykes, Abzorb COO, said: “This is part of a very exciting time for Abzorb. The agreement with Transatel enables Abzorb to offer our channel partners the industry’s most flexible mobile partnership including access to the UK’s best network.”

With other providers, mobile telephone usage and data via CDRs (Call Detail Records) can take hours, if not days, to reach the billing system. The abZ approach will enable channel partners and business end users to gather this data through the Abzorb channel partner portal in minutes – as well as other industry leading services across all three network operators.

Dykes added: “This really will keep the channel partner in complete control, eliminating any long-protracted account reconciliation problems, providing near real-time accurate data to their customers such as CDRs, usage information, tariff utilisation as well as setting caps and bars which react immediately to the former.

“This will be a near-instantaneous experience for the end business, enabling our channel partners to offer a personalised, business-focused and differentiated service.”

Notes to editors

For more information or further interview opportunities, please call Alex Bell at Roland Dransfield on 0161 236 1122 or email alex.bell@rdpr.co.uk

About Abzorb

Abzorb – a privately-owned technology company with its whole team all under one roof – is based in purpose-built offices in Brighouse, West Yorkshire. The company works directly with the leading names in the industry to provide businesses with one contact, one bill and one solution for all their telecommunications and networking needs. Abzorb provides a one-stop solution and ongoing support to ensure businesses stay connected.

About Transatel

Now a member company of NTT Group, one of the largest telecom companies in the world, Transatel offers an unparalleled cellular solution. Since its inception in 2000, the company has launched over 170 MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), establishing Transatel as the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler/Aggregator). Having acquired expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity, the company easily transitioned into the Internet of Things, where it now also addresses the three market segments of automotive, laptops and tablets, and the industrial IoT.

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