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Transatel chosen as a service provider for Windows 10 cellular data service on select Windows 10 devices

Transatel cellular broadband service provides data connectivity for Windows 10 devices

Transatel, the leading European MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler), announced that Microsoft has retained its SIM 901 solution to support the upcoming paid cellular data service for Windows 10.

Laptops and tablets equipped with Windows 10, a cellular broadband modem, and a Microsoft SIM Card utilizing Transatel’s 901 technology, will allow consumers to easily and conveniently purchase pre-paid 3G/4G-LTE data services that will enable a breadth of Windows 10 features and services when on the go.

Eric Lockard, Corporate VP at Microsoft: “We want to promote the adoption of cellular connectivity on Windows tablets and laptops to complement classic Wi-Fi connectivity and make it easier for consumers to connect to the internet, anywhere, anytime. The Transatel SIM 901 solution helps us reach this objective in multiple markets through a single interface. In just a few clicks, consumers will be able to easily buy pre-paid data plans on supported Windows 10 devices.

Transatel provides the cellular data service, and Windows 10 makes it easy and convenient to purchase. Together, consumers can purchase pre-paid cellular data where and when it is needed using their Microsoft account which helps keep credit card and other personal information secure. There are no long term commitments.

Bertrand Salomon, co-founder and Deputy CEO of Transatel: “We’re excited to be part of the Windows 10 user journey. The combination of Transatel’s mobile core network and service platform and Windows10 provides a completely new end-user experience. I anticipate that customers will enjoy the convenience of embedded cellular connectivity in Windows 10 enabled devices.”

Transatel’s innovative 901 SIM card utilizes an international MNC (Mobile Network Code) to enable multi-local connectivity. SIM 901 is non-geographic and therefore provides 3G/4G-LTE connectivity in multiple countries at local conditions. With this SIM card, device manufacturers and OEMs can provide seamless internet connectivity in multiple markets, and end-users can enjoy being on-line whenever and wherever within the same environment. To date, Transatel covers 38 countries with this service, and will reach 50 by end Q1 2016[1]. The countries where cell data connectivity will be available on supported Windows 10 devices have not yet been announced.

About Transatel

For the past 15 years, Transatel has been offering, through a technical platform and associated services, a solution helping a diversity of players meet their market for mobile telephony and data connectivity. The company is positioned either as an enabler of mobile services in a BtoB context (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler), acting as third party and adapting to multiple business models, or as a mobile operator (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) with a BtoC retail activity.
Transatel’s 5 areas of expertise (MVNO, MVNE/A, Machine-to-Machine, embedded connectivity, and multi-local data connectivity) cover the extent of possible airtime offerings, currently delivering connectivity to over 1.7M SIM cards.

With 70% of its revenues generated abroad, the 160-strong company is established in France, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States. For more information, please visit www.transatel.com.

Transatel management will be present at CES in Las Vegas (Jan. 6-9, 2016) and Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (Feb. 22-25, 2016).

[1] By January 15th 2016: Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Ivory Coast, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

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For more information, please contact:


Charles Guyer

Email: charlie.guyer@guyergroup.com
Phone: 617-599-8830


Christelle Alamichel


+33 (0)1 47 27 00 14
+33 (0)6 31 09 03 83

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