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Transatel Selected by Acer to Bring Cellular Connectivity to its Location Tracker, the Circo S

Currently being launched in France, and soon in other European countries, the Circo S by Acer is an innovative tracker combining the technologies of GPS, WiFi, and 3G into one tiny (22 grams) portable device. The security solution, imagined for caretakers and parents to be able to locate their loved ones at all times, enables distress signals, enforces security perimeters and sends relevant alerts (both via SMS). More generally, it provides real-time positioning of the tracker via Android2 and iOS3 phones and tablets.

Transatel is the cellular enabler behind the tracking solution, ensuring accurate positioning and seamless connectivity for the device throughout Europe. Thus, any end-user traveling in this region is certain to benefit from consistent service.

By enabling the Circo S, Transatel successfully confirms the strategy defined late 2014 of branching out to connected objects, and taking part in the boom of the Internet of Things. Within the connected objects segment, cellular connectivity is proving indispensable, either on a stand-alone basis, or combined with other technologies.

Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO: “We stand at the beginning of a technological revolution in which VAS (Value-Added Services) tend to weigh more in a buyer’s decision than the hardware does. In this trend, OEMs such as Acer, Microsoft, Toshiba and Sony Mobile are taking the lead, thanks to our cellular enabling services. The Circo S is an excellent example, as it is part of Acer BYOC’s BeingWare initiative, a solution which integrates hardware, software and services. In order to offer VAS, OEMs must first ensure the end-user benefits from quality connectivity. Transatel answers this need by providing a single interface and technical management platform for the world. That’s how Transatel can help companies launch their next-generation products, whatever the connected object or device.”

About Transatel

Founded in 2000, Transatel is a telecommunications company offering technological services for activities ranging from mobile telephony to the Internet of Things. Spanning the BtoB and BtoC markets, the company acts both as a mobile operator (mobile virtual network operator or MVNO) and as an enabler of mobile services (MVNO enabler or MVNE; aggregator or MNVA; Machine to Machine or M2M enabler). Transatel delivers connectivity to over 1.7 million SIM cards. With close to 70% of its revenues generated abroad, the 180-strong company has offices in France, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United States.

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Christelle ALAMICHEL


+33 (0)1 47 27 00 14

+33 (0)6 31 09 03 83

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