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CES 2018: Transatel Helps Lenovo MIIX 630’s Customers Stay Always Connected with a Built-in LTE eSIM

Paris, France – January 10th, 2018

Lenovo’s new MIIX 630 operating with the latest Windows 10 release is equipped with a soldered eSIM. Teams demonstrated the detachable PC’s “Always Connected” characteristics at CES 2018, via Transatel’s preloaded profile. Transatel is one of the global cellular enablers behind the 100% LTE PC, offering prepaid data plans offered via the Windows Store.                     

Dr. Wang Shuai, Vice President of Lenovo Group and General Manager of Lenovo Connect: “The eSIM will spearhead innovation in the field of consumer electronics. It can solve many of the traditional SIM card’s limitations with regards to devices, and meet the standards for communication security in IoT devices, while ensuring a high level of stability.”

Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO: “We’re delighted to have the opportunity of showing Transatel’s eSIM management capabilities.”

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