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Transatel applauds GSMA’s statement for European leadership in the IoT but raises further concerns regarding access to mobile networks

Paris, France – May 16th, 2017

In their joint industry statement published last week , AIOTI, Cable Europe and the GSMA set forth the regulatory elements currently hindering Europe’s ability to spearhead innovation in the Internet of Things. The four amendments suggested to help the European IoT market reach its full potential–changing the scope of end-user protections, limiting the application of the European Electronic Communications Code, updating the rules on numbering and promoting harmonization—are necessary, according to Transatel CEO, Jacques Bonifay, but not sufficient.
Jacques Bonifay: “The improvements suggested on European regulation are important, but will generate limited results as long as long as alternative players are not given a fair chance in the competition. The smaller, more innovative players need fair access to local networks—wholesale prices enabling them to take their share of this booming market. We must never forget that new and upcoming enterprises addressing niche markets are the lifeblood of innovation in any sector, first and foremost, the IoT. Europe is demanding the Digital Single Market, but overlooking proofs of protectionist behavior: German network operators, for example, show no flexibility with regards to the conditions applied to smaller European players, among which, Transatel. We are held hostage to prohibitive pricing, and therefore stalled in the seamless deployment of our IoT activities in Europe.”

About Transatel

For the past 16 years, Transatel has been offering, through a technical platform and associated services, a solution helping a diversity of players meet their market for mobile telephony and data connectivity.
As the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network enabler), Transatel first built a strong expertise in Machine-to Machine connectivity before entering the Internet of Things arena in 2015. Today, the company offers an unparalleled cellular solution for global, multi-local data connectivity with eSIM capabilities to address the connected devices and embedded connectivity markets.
Transatel currently manages 1.7M SIM cards with a coverage footprint of over 200 destinations. With 75% of its revenues generated abroad, the 180-strong company is established in France, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States.


Christelle ALAMICHEL
+33 (0)1 47 27 00 14
+33 (0)6 31 09 03 83

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