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Data connectivity: with the addition of UK & Ireland, Transatel DataSIM now covers most of Western Europe

A smart, cost-saving solution that provides permanent and secure 3G connectivity for tablets, laptops and mobile hotspots!

Starting today, travelers from anywhere in the world can not only enjoy local rates for data as they connect to the leading networks in continental Europe, but also in the United Kingdom and Ireland, using the EE and Meteor networks. This is made possible with Transatel DataSIM, a prepaid solution for data connectivity. This revolutionary global SIM card, delivered to the customer’s home before departure, connects any device to the internet at a price 50 to 77% below the Eurotariff. Transatel DataSIM is on track to cover over 50 countries by end of Q1 2016.

Transatel DataSIM: a single data SIM card to connect to the internet in a great number of countries

According to the latest survey conducted by the European Commission, 47% of European travelers say they never attempt to access the Internet while abroad .

Transatel DataSIM aims to change this habit: delivered directly to consumers before they depart, installed once in the device of their choice, tablet or laptop, this prepaid, data-only SIM card offers travelers a permanent and secure private GSM connection (3G / LTE) at a reasonable cost. It frees travelers from exhausting searches for Wi-Fi connections, which are not only complicated to access, but unreliable, and most importantly, not secure in terms of data protection.

With the addition of UK and Ireland, Transatel DataSIM now covers most of Western Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark and Benelux). Transatel Datasim covers also several countries in Asia and in North America and is on track to deliver connectivity in over 50 countries by end of Q1 2016.

The technology leveraged with this SIM card

Transatel’s innovative SIM card utilizes an international MNC (Mobile Network Code) to enable multi-local connectivity. It adapts to any device, laptop or tablet, and once installed, can easily be recharged with multiple prepaid bundles via the website. Particularly adapted to frequent travelers, it offers very competitive prices in a great number of countries, without swapping or re-installing cards.

Transatel DataSIM was refined for over two years, in order to take advantage of the international code (MNC 901-37) and to establish roaming agreements with operators all over the world. These investments resulted in a technical and commercial platform that is scalable: it can easily be decupled in response to demand.

Transatel DataSIM: an affordable offer from the leading MVNE/MVNA in Europe and the UK

Transatel is a French company founded in 2000 with a mission: to provide travelers with convincing solutions for communicating abroad. Well before the debate on the European Digital Single Market, Transatel was offering mobile telephony solutions for cross-border commuters. Today, 70% of its revenues are generated outside of France.

The company currently manages the connectivity of 15 MVNOs in the UK, helping them provide the best coverage and quality network in the country, EE. For example, Transatel is a supplier to Post Office Mobile, Life Mobile, China Telecom, Now Mobile, Eco Net. The experience of the network, and of managing over half a million subscribers locally is key to providing foreigners with a reliable service as soon as they reach the country.

Today, with its data SIM, Transatel allows travelers from around the world to benefit from local rates for data in affiliated countries, and therefore provides affordable access to the internet from laptops, tablets, or mobile hotspots.

Pricing (prepaid data bundle per country)

The Transatel DataSIM card is available via the retail website: www.transatel-datasim.com. The price for 1GB is 15 euros for the UK and 19 euros for Ireland.

For more information, please visit www.transatel-datasim.com

About Transatel

For the past 15 years, Transatel has been offering, through a technical platform and associated services, a solution helping a diversity of players meet their market for mobile telephony and data connectivity. The company is positioned either as an enabler of mobile services in a BtoB context (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler), acting as third party and adapting to multiple business models, or as a mobile operator (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) with a BtoC retail activity.

Transatel’s 5 areas of expertise (MVNO, MVNE/A, Machine-to-Machine, embedded connectivity, and multi-local data connectivity) cover the extent of possible airtime offerings, currently delivering connectivity to over 1.7M SIM cards.

With 70% of its revenues generated abroad, the 160-strong company is established in France, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States.

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