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NTT Communications to Acquire Stake in Transatel, a global connectivity solution provider for the MVNO and IoT markets

 TOKYO, JAPAN and PARIS, FRANCE, NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the ICT solutions and international communications business within the NTT Group (TYO:9432) and Transatel (HQ: Paris, France, CEO: Jacques Bonifay), a global Internet of Things (IoT) cellular connectivity management provider and Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE), jointly announced that they have entered into exclusive negotiations over NTT Com’s acquisition of a majority stake in Transatel, and that the necessary notification and consultation with the relevant works council were completed on December 20, 2018. After entering into the definitive agreement, NTT Com and Transatel will proceed to complete the transaction.

The development of connected cars, industrial & consumer IoT and smart cities, will bring major changes to our societies. This revolution is expected to unleash tremendous new business opportunities enabling enterprises to connect, manage and monetize their IoT services, and this market is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2021?1.

Transatel, established in 2000, has since 2012 been a pioneer in deploying its own worldwide data MVNO network compliant with Embedded SIM (eSIM) technology to address three key market segments: Consumer Electronics, Automotive and Industrial IoT (IIoT). Its award-winning SIM 901 platform has been selected by prestigious enterprises to deliver secure, global cellular connectivity services, authentication and network management. In addition, Transatel has a track record of over 170 successful client MVNO launches and is the leading European MVNE.

This transaction will allow NTT Com to drastically extend its Global IoT solution offerings. The combined synergies between Transatel’s Worldwide data MVNO solutions and NTT Com’s global network infrastructure, data center, cloud and IoT platform will bring to this alliance the ability to provide a unique value proposition to the market.

Shuichi Sasakura, Senior Vice President and Head of Network Services of NTT Com:  “Together with Transatel’s engineering expertise in the IoT connectivity space, NTT Com believes that it can further enhance and contribute to bringing about digital transformation for our customers and partners in the IoT age.“

Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO and founder: “Thanks to NTT Com, Transatel now has the capacity to greatly increase its operational presence in Asia for the benefit of its European customers as well as providing the ideal solution for Asian companies and other Global Multi-National companies looking to globally expand their IoT offerings.

About NTT Communications

NTT Communications solves the world’s technology challenges by helping enterprises overcome complexity and risk in their ICT environments with managed IT infrastructure solutions. These solutions are backed by our worldwide infrastructure, including industry leading, global tier-1 public and private networks reaching over 190 countries/regions, and more than 400,000m2 of the world’s most advanced datacenter facilities. Our global professional services teams provide consultation and architecture for the resiliency and security required for your business success, and our scale and global capabilities are unsurpassed. Combined with NTT Data, NTT Security, NTT DOCOMO and Dimension Data, we are NTT Group.

 About Transatel

As the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler/Aggregator), Transatel has, since its inception in 2000, launched over 170 MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) and built a strong expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity. Since 2014 the company has offered an unparalleled cellular solution for global, multi-local data connectivity with eSIM capabilities for the IoT market, addressing the connected car, connected objects, and embedded connectivity markets.

For more information

Mr. Masaki Nomoto, Mr. Tadashi Takayama

Public Relations
Corporate Planning Department
NTT Communications
Tel: +81 3 6700 4010

Mail: pr-cp@ntt.com



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1 IDC’s report

2 embedded SIM. SIM which can rewrite communication profile remotely

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