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Transatel and VAIO Corporation delivering new LTE network experience in Japan, inaugurating Windows 10 capability



Tokyo, Japan, and Paris, France – September 21st, 2017

Starting September 29th, new VAIO® S11 and VAIO® S13 laptops will be delivered in Japan equipped with Windows 10 and a ready-to-go LTE cellular data SIM card. Transatel is the service provider of the new cellular capability, with prepaid data plans developed specifically for VAIO
laptop end-users. Each VAIO laptop will be equipped with a pre-loaded trial 1GB SIM card to be used in any of the 130+ destinations covered by Transatel. This experience should help end-users discover the global service, Cellular Data, offered for top-up via the new Microsoft Windows Store
The end-users will benefit from attractively-priced data plans, both in Japan, with 4 local bundles ranging from 500 MB to 10 GB, and outside Japan, with 6 regional bundles (Asia, Europe, America, Oceania, Caribbean, and Africa.).

For connectivity in Japan, Japanese MVNO Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ) takes the role of telecommunication provider, in close partnership with Transatel.
Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO: “The laptop and tablet manufacturers’ business model is about to change, opening a world of opportunity. As cellular networks are gradually replacing Wi-Fi as the end-users’ preferred choice for connectivity, extra revenue can be generated for manufacturers through data usage and revenue share. VAIO Corporation rightly measures the potential positive impact on margins in a mature manufacturing market. They also recognize the importance of giving their customers the greatest possible choice in connectivity options. We’re grateful for the privilege of launching the first cellular data plans within Windows 10 with VAIO Corporation.” Kaoru Hayashi, Senior General Manager PC Business Division of VAIO  
Corporation: “We’re proud to be delivering a new LTE network experience to connect– and to manage a data budget easily—when no Wi-Fi is available. Thus, our laptop can be truly mobile. Also, one must not forget that cellular networks offer far more security against data hacking and theft, which is priceless in a business context.”

About Transatel

As the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler/Aggregator), Transatel has, since its inception in 2000, launched over 150 MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) and built a strong expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity, before entering the Internet of Things arena in 2015. Today, the company offers an unparalleled cellular solution for global, multi-local data connectivity with eSIM capabilities, to address the connected devices and embedded connectivity markets. About VAIO Corporation VAIO Corporation, which inherited the VAIO PC business from Sony Corporation, was established on July 1, 2014, headquartered in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture. VAIO Corporation is dedicated to planning design, development, manufacturing and sale of PCs and related products labeled with the VAIO trademark. VAIO Corporation website:

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