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SYSCONFiG Partners with Transatel to Become the 1st Aggregator of Native FMC Services in the UK

Stroud, UK and Paris, France, May 14th, 2020

The lockdown has brought to light what many already considered a necessity: access to an ultra-efficient mobile workplace made possible with Unified Communications (UC). In this promising context, SYSCONFiG, a Gloucestershire-based provider of white-labelled and cloud-based telecom solutions, might just be sparking a mini-revolution. Starting today, they aim to provide the fastest possible access to native FMC (Fixed-Mobile Convergence) for resellers, on the EE network. The company selected Transatel (NTT Group) as enabler for the launch of an “off-the-shelf” FMC service that includes the SIM as an endpoint. With the invention of the ‘FMC MVNO’ (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), Transatel is leading the way in integrating UC directly into the SIM rather than relying on OTT apps. Today, SYSCONFiG goes one step further by making the solution available to service providers for revenue generation in under a week: SYSCONFiG is the channel’s first true FMC service ‘aggregator’.


Although FMC is nothing new to telecom or to the UK, there has always been a divide between simple, app-based OTT (Over-The-Top) services, offering a certain degree of convergence between devices (for which Teams and Skype are good examples), and true Fixed-Mobile Convergence.

Few fully functioning native FMC offers are available on the market, due to the difficulties of taking control of both inbound and outbound calls on the GSM network. The setup of such a service requires integration with a Mobile Network Operator for the control of the SIMs—the service offered by Transatel and SYSCONFiG takes the sting out of the hefty financial and technical requirements, and allows you to launch your product in minimal timescales.

The trade-off for companies is simple: high performance-higher cost with native FMC, compared to low performance but easy set-up with OTT services. Thanks to Transatel’s flexible platform, SYSCONFiG is now offering the best of both worlds for service providers who would like to offer their own FMC service to their client base in a matter of days.


In the telecom architecture presented above, the SIM is an endpoint, alongside IP phones, software, and smartphone apps; each of these can initiate or receive all of the users’ communications. Today, everyone has a SIM in their pocket (in their smartphone), so the SIM is in fact the best common denominator for all incoming and outgoing calls and/or messaging.

By receiving communications from the UC platform on the SIM, the service offers more call stability, increased seamlessness, no dependence on Wi-Fi availability, better management and tracking of communications, and of course allowing you to be ’always on’.

Converting to this solution is an obvious choice for companies seeking to optimise productivity or who need to record calls for compliancy purposes. Users must no longer change their behaviour: for example, remember to use an app, as calls are routed to the SIM over the GSM network. All mobile activity is linked to the platform and completely synchronised. From the SIM, all other devices are updated according to the user’s presence-based rules. This offers a perfectly seamless experience, with no crossing-over of native and app-based calls, a unified voicemail, and a better calling experience. For example, the GSM network performs better than an app when driving down the motorway and switching constantly between 2G, 3G and 4G.

Dubbed the “Mobile Desk Phone”, SIMs are Always On during the working day, regardless of Wi-Fi drop-out or quality, transportation, VPN connection, or whether you’re away from your computer! GSM technology offers a stability in the connectivity that warrants their choice as the main touch point to reach an employee and monitor presence-based rules.

Alex Tempest, MD of Wholesale, BT says: “The learnings from the COVID-19 crisis combined with the progressive withdrawal of ISDN only reinforces further the need for easy and instant access to productivity and collaboration tools to empower a mobile workforce. We’ve witnessed that this is absolutely key today and will be even more critical in the years to come. We’re excited for SysConfig to launch its innovative solution to the market today, utilising EE’s leading UK mobile network infrastructure.” EE runs the UK’s biggest and fastest mobile network, and has cemented itself as the best mobile network in the UK for the sixth year running, according to RootMetrics’ latest Review of the Mobile Landscape report

Sam Dawkins, SYSCONFiG MD, concludes: “We’re excited to be giving our resellers the best solutions for their clients. The Mobile Desk Phone brings together the ways in which a company can connect its teams under a UC solution. One size does not fit all: with our portfolio of end points, a reseller can truly create a customer-specific solution. FMC has been something of a legend for many years now, but I truly believe it is to become the norm, enabling one platform for all your communication needs and centralising your communications story.”


SYSCONFiG has been providing hosted telecoms services to the UK channel since 2009, with a background in reseller and channel development since 2001, we provide a comprehensive cross platform communications system delivered solely and in partnership with our channel, enabling them to deliver real solutions to business large and small. For more information please visit www.sysconfig.cloud

About Transatel

Now a member company of NTT Group, one of the largest telecom companies in the world, Transatel offers an unparalleled, eSIM-capable, cellular solution for global and secure IoT connectivity. Since its inception in 2000, the company has launched over 170 MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), establishing Transatel as the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler/Aggregator). Having acquired expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity, the company easily transitioned into the Internet of Things, where it now addresses the three market segments of automotive, laptops and tablets, and the industrial IoT. Please visit www.transatel.com

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