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Worldwide connectivity: Transatel launches its Data SIM, a game changer in Internet access for travelers

Transatel is on course to break down current data roaming constraints with the introduction of its brand-new Data SIM card. The new offering is the result of many years of R&D and proprietary development around the Transatel SIM 901 concept and innovative technology. The service offers connectivity anywhere, at any time, from any device, facilitating travel and peace of mind when you leave home.

By creating a connected digital single market, we can generate up to EUR 250 billion of additional growth in Europe in the course of the mandate of the next Commission.” Jean Claude Juncker, President-elect of the European Commission, May 6th, 20151
The approval by the College of Commissioners of the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe marks the beginning of important collective efforts to ensure the free flow of data within the European Union. It is therefore fitting for Transatel to be introducing its unique global data SIM card at this time: from its inception in 2000, Transatel, convinced of the economic and social benefits of permanent connectivity, has been working to reduce the costs of roaming for its clients and has dedicated the greater part of its research to transnational communications.

Connectivity versus high roaming costs: the impossible choice

According to a survey ordered by the European Commission, and based on the answers of 28,000 European travelers2, 28% of those polled said that they systematically turn their mobile off once abroad (41% for the French) and 47% said they never use mobile Internet during their travels. Only 9% (4% of the French) regularly read their emails while abroad: proof that there is room for progress to reduce the costs and complications due to data roaming, not only in Europe, but across the planet. This is occurring precisely at a time when individuals are expected to be hyper connected and highly reactive on multiple devices, and when their employers are hoping for global productivity gains based on connectivity.

The contradiction has not gone unnoticed at Transatel. For several years now, the company has been preparing for a rising demand in embedded connectivity that is global, affordable, reliable, and secure thanks to the development of an innovative concept: SIM 901. The technology for the SIM 901 is based on the multi-local 901 mobile network code. The system gives local plug-and-play 3G/LTE connectivity at local rates in multiple countries, backed by Transatel agreements with mobile operators across the world.

The security criterion, to name just one, has grown more important with time, and spurred specific R&D efforts, due to the pervasive worry about global data security.

The Transatel Data SIM card delivers connectivity in any given country at local rates

Jacques Bonifay, CEO of Transatel:Today, only 3 to 4% of computers and 5 to 10% of tablets on the market are provided with a module that allows the insertion of a SIM card. Most often, they are only Wi-Fi equipped, which is problematic since Wi-Fi isn’t always available, and can be expensive. The Transatel Data SIM card delivers connectivity in any given country at local rates. We are currently negotiating agreements worldwide with local operators, and will keep adding access to 2 to 3 countries every month.

Transatel is now ready to offer its global Data SIM card for the sole purpose of data roaming at local rates. Currently partnering with fifteen countries(3), Transatel is continually expanding its scope, aiming towards worldwide coverage. Among the countries where one can benefit from local connectivity starting today: France, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Taiwan, India, Malaysia…

The solution is ideal for frequent or regular travellers: executives who balance work abroad with work at home, tourists who want to explore their destination while remaining connected. What is more, the Transatel Data SIM card works in one’s home country as well: one never needs to switch from one data roaming outlet to another.

The Transatel Data SIM card: ground-breaking innovation in worldwide connectivity

One data SIM card for all of your travels, delivered to your home, to benefit from local rates wherever you happen to be going. You no longer need to buy one SIM card per country upon your arrival, but you come prepared. You can cumulate bundles on the same card, and top up easily whenever you wish via the retail website.

The card is unique in other respects: it fits into every connected device you own (smartphone, tablet, computer) or works via a hotspot.

And it is safe. Where Wi-Fi connectivity remains unreliable, the Transatel Data SIM card offers the safety and privacy of personal connectivity. It is always available when Wi-Fi may not always be, and it is free of access limitations when Wi-Fi may require passcodes. Last, the SIM card only operates in English for the time being, but very soon will be available in the languages of every destination, from Chinese to Hindi, making it one of the most user-friendly connectivity solutions on the market.

Different rates for different needs

If one is looking to avoid data roaming restrictions in all of the countries Transatel covers, Option A is the best fit: it is billed according to the amount of megabytes roamed. The SIM card remains valid up to 18 months after it was last used.

If one has a close idea of one’s level of data consumption, choosing among various bundles within Option B is the smarter choice. Benefiting from even more competitive rates, a bundle has a 15 to 30-day period of validity. Here again, the SIM card is valid up to 18 months after it was last used. If one is undecided, one can subscribe to both options and still only need one SIM card to cover both subscriptions.
For more information on the Transatel data SIM, please connect at www.transatel-datasim.com
For more information on the Transatel SIM 901 concept and technology, please connect at www.transatel-sim901.com

About Transatel:
Transatel is a pan-European telecommunications company founded in 2000 and established in France, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Transatel is active in the MVNO, M2M and Embedded Connectivity sectors. As an MVNE/A, Transatel offers a turnkey solution for companies who want to launch an MVNO and market their own mobile service. Transatel’s platform is interconnected with 7 of the biggest operators in Europe (Bouygues Telecom and Orange France, Salt in Switzerland, EE in the UK, Base and Mobistar in Belgium, and Tango in Luxembourg), which guarantees the highest possible quality of service for its partners. Transatel’s platform currently manages 80 MVNOs. As an M2M solutions provider, Transatel allows M2M players to add airtime connectivity to their services and applications. Transatel’s main M2M partners are EE in the UK and Salt in Switzerland. Transatel also provides solutions for embedded connectivity for device manufacturers or end-users. The technology is based on SIM 901, a non-geographic Mobile Network Code (MNC) dedicated to multi-country 3G/LTE-only propositions. Finally, as an MVNO, Transatel offers tailor-made packages for frequent-travellers and cross-border professionals under its own brands: Transatel Mobile, Eurokeitai, Le French Mobile and Transatel Rental. Altogether, Transatel manages more than 1.6 Million SIM card across all of its businesses.

Press officers (A+ Conseils):

Olivia NDARI
+33 (0)1 47 27 00 14
+33 (0)6 72 26 88 62
Christelle ALAMICHEL
+33 (0)1 47 27 00 14
+33 (0)6 31 09 03 83


2 European Commission – Special Eurobarometer 414 E-COMMUNICATIONS HOUSEHOLD SURVEY AND TELECOM SINGLE MARKET SURVEY ROAMING RESULTS, Fieldwork: 18/01/2014- 27/01/2014 Wave EB81.1 – TNS opinion & social
3 As of May 2015, Transatel holds agreements with the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Turkey, Israel, USA

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