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Transatel DataSIM, travelers’ personal, secure, cellular network for data in China

Paris, May 16th, 2017 – Great news for leisure and business travelers looking to benefit from the security offered with a private cellular network, Transatel DataSIM now introduces China within its portfolio of over 100 destinations. Transatel DataSIM users can connect to the internet in 4G using the China Telecom network avoiding Wi-Fi altogether, wherever their travels take them. Credit data is available at the rate of 0.1€/MB, while the Asia bundle now also offers a connection in China, along with 19 other destinations, including Hong Kong, Macau, India, Singapore and South Korea1.


The SIM card can be installed in a favorite device, be it a hotspot, laptop or tablet. It can be purchased via www.transatel-datasim.com, and is delivered worldwide, so travelers are ready-to-go on their journey.

The prepaid global SIM card can be recharged for use in any of the other available destinations, expiring 18 months after last use. Recharging is now made easier via the personal account management app (available on the App Store and Google Play Store), redesigned to be even more user-friendly.

Transatel DataSIM delivers an “always on” service, which promises travelers reliable, secure data connectivity during their travels.

1 The Asia bundle includes: Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.


How does Transatel’s DataSIM card work?
Simply inserted into any laptop or tablet equipped with a SIM slot, the prepaid data SIM card is delivered internationally and allows travelers to benefit from permanent internet connectivity worldwide.

For travelers who do not own a laptop or tablet with a slot for a SIM card, Transatel offers the Wi-Fi hotspot as an alternative. Ordered and delivered already preconfigured with the SIM card, the hotspot shares internet access with up to ten separate devices simultaneously. This is an ideal solution for trips with family, friends or colleagues, whether to consult emails, surf the web, use mobile apps for navigation, stream videos, stay connected via social media, and instantly send home—or to the office—videos and photographs.

For more information, please visit our website www.transatel-datasim.com


About Transatel

For the past 16 years, Transatel has been offering, through a technical platform and associated services, a solution helping a diversity of players meet their market for mobile telephony and data connectivity.

As the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network enabler), Transatel first built a strong expertise in Machine-to Machine connectivity before entering the Internet of Things arena in 2015. Today, the company offers an unparalleled cellular solution for global, multi-local data connectivity with eSIM capabilities to address the connected devices and embedded connectivity markets.

Transatel currently manages 1.7M SIM cards with a coverage footprint of over 100 destinations. With 75% of its revenues generated abroad, the 180-strong company is established in France, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States.

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Christelle ALAMICHELchristelle@aplusconseils.com

+33 (0)1 47 27 00 14

+33 (0)6 31 09 03 83

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