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IoT Connect’s global footprint

What’s Transatel’s coverage?

worldwide coverage
International coverage means that one single SIM can connect your device across borders. There’s no need for multiple providers and multi-SIM modems: the device’s SIM will automatically attach to the local carrier’s network. 
As Transatel is regularly signing new agreements with major local carriers, IoT Connect’s borderless coverage keeps increasing, and is currently providing network coverage in 170 destinations.  
We open new destinations on a monthly basis and deploy new radio technologies following local availability (LTE, LTE-M, 5G etc.). We’re also densifying our coverage by adding new carriers to countries already covered. When we open a new destination, your SIMs will automatically connect to the networks on location. No update is necessary on your side. 
You’ll find the updated coverage here.  
Contact us to learn more about the rate per MB for each region. 
If you require further details, such as our local carrier partners where you are situated, or what type of network (2G, 3G, LTE) we can provide in each country, please contact us! 
If you have very specific needs, we also offer advanced, exclusive features, such as creating your own country/carrier footprint.  

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