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Legal Information

Personal Data Protection

Transatel – Informatique et Libertés,
Transatel — Tour CBX
1, passerelle des reflets
CS 70451
92913 PARIS La Défense CEDEX
Registration N° 432 786 432

Please write to dpo@transatel.com 

Privacy Policy

The present privacy policy outlines the way in which Transatel uses, shares and protects personal data controlled and/or processed by Transatel. Download PDF here


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Addresses for Billing Purposes

Transatel — Tour CBX
1, passerelle des reflets
CS 70451
92913 PARIS La Défense CEDEX
N° d’enregistrement 432 786 432
N°VAT FR 49 432 786 432
JH – Finsgate
5/7 Cranwood Street
EC1V9EE London
Registration N° 04086268
N°VAT GB 788 0044 14
  Transatel Inc.
Chambre France-Suisse pour le commerce et l’industrie
5, route de Chêne
Case postale 6298
1211 Genève 6
Registration N° CH 660 2 565 013 7
N°VAT CHE 474 379 036
499 N Canon Drive – Suite 308
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Registration N° 5736521
City of Barueri,
state of SP at Alameda Rio Negro
503, Sala 2020, Alphaville
Zip Code 06454-000
CNPJ Registration N° 51.042.993/0001-03

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