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Work from home boom calls for futureproof connectivity

Working from home has become the « new normal » for millions of workers across the globe. The new distributed work environment also creates its own set of IT and security challenges that require secure and reliable connectivity solutions for remoteworkforces.

Work from home is here to stay

Confronted with the worst health crisis in decades and strict social distancing measures, organizations have massively resorted to remote working in 2020, urging millions of employees to work at home and suddenly leaving their offices empty.

While this solution was initially meant to be temporary, it now seems clear to many that there will be no return journey. Last summer, Google and its parent company, Alphabet, had announced that they would allow their 200,000 employees to continue working from home until at least June 2021, adding to the growing list of corporations that have decided to continue the remote-work setup for the foreseeable future. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, pushed the boundaries and said that he is open to having his employees work from home “forever.”

According to Gartner, 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely some of the time, and 47% full time, going forward, making “flex time” the new norm.

Non-secure remote connectivity puts organizations and their business at risk

Beyond organizational challenges for managers and employees, working from home also brings growing productivity and security issues that enterprises need to address. With remote working set to become an integral part of every company’s workplace, they need to ensure that employees can securely access the applications and data they need, anywhere and anytime.

While IT and security teams support employees across a multitude of connectivity methods, remote workers often connect via a shared connection and need a solution that manages risk while ensuring optimal quality of service.

With cybercrime costs exceeding $1 trillion in 2020[1] business owners rushed to adapt their workplace, and most importantly their remote work access, exposing themselves to costly cyber threats as new security issues arise. Although the need for secure authentication has been understood by Heads of security who enable VPNs for remote employee access to corporate networks, this protocol is no longer enough in 2021.

“The global pandemic and increase in remote working have revealed the limitations of home Wi-Fi as well as VPN-only security measures and the underlying risks for businesses. Enterprise mobility programs are now, more than ever, managing the trade-off between employee productivity and IS security.” Jason Goodall, Chief Executive Officer, NTT Ltd.

Facing enterprise concerns about the post-Covid remote workplace, NTT has introduced a comprehensive solution for enterprise mobility, leveraging the potential of cellular connectivity.

Work@Home delivers three key services under a single subscription-based model:

• Intelligent network solutions that allow our clients to ensure that their employees can have secure access to their applications using enterprise-grade network hardware

• 3G/4G connectivity to ensure their teams remain connected wherever they are

• Analytics enabling complete visibility into usage, behaviors, and cost

Work@Home allows the remote workforce to stay connected and secure while providing full management and visibility of extended networks. Leveraging our expertise in intelligent networks, we allow our clients to use the power of software-defined networking to securely manage their remote workforce’s connectivity. With our global cellular connectivity, clients can support a variety of connectivity use cases for their global workforce, bring new or temporary offices online immediately, and ensure their teams stay connected wherever they are in the world.

Our analytics platform provides them with the insight they need to empower their remote workers, offering a comprehensive platform to manage the lifecycle of the services they require to be productive. With our subscription model, our clients only pay for the services they need, rather than having to add to their capex budget.

“Connectivity overhead is becoming an issue. Forecasts for data usage are exponential. The reason lies in the multiplication of devices for task workers, the rise in the numbers of nomadic employees, and the prevalence of cloud computing for knowledge workers. Along with “Mobile Workplace Connect”, “Work@Home” offers a simple solution to answer the need for growing data usage and secure remote work, with the added advantage of controlling costs and increasing employee’s productivity.” Jacques Bonifay, CEO of Transatel, NTT’s Center of Excellence for Global Cellular Connectivity.

Learn more about our solution here :https://www.transatel.com/connected-workplace/work-from-home/

[1]“Cost of Cybercrime to Surpass $1 Trillion in 2020 due to Global Shift to Remote Working Environment following COVID-19 Outbreak: Report”, Crowdfund Insider, December 9, 2020 by Omar Faridi

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