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We are proud to be shortlisted for the final of the 2020 Mobile Industry Awards as the best MVNO Partner!!!

Transatel has always positioned itself as the “educator” of the market: widening the access to mobile for players from other, non-telco industries; helping them kick-start and grow their business from scratch; and turn it into a business success.

We are investing heavily in hours of coaching, efficient onboarding toolkits, and a truly ‘in-house’ consultative approach.  The latter is based on the constant interaction of a team of experts working together for the client in question. Transatel has dedicated Project Managers, Account Managers, Service Managers, and Market Managers.

We’ve been working with EE/BT for over a dozen years, launched over 150 MVNOs with them, and activated about 1,7M SIM cards on the network. We signed the first contract in 2008, renewed in 2015, and renewed again in 2020.

To further support our claim of being the best partner to bring MVNOs to life. We have examples of small start-up-like MVNOs, as well as medium-sized MVNOs, such as China Telecom or EcoTalk.

To see the shortlist of Mobile Industry Awards 2020 click here

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