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Ubigi provides free eSIM profiles for laptops, tablets, and the new iPhone® XS and XR worldwide

Paris, France, November 21st, 2018

Transatel is announcing the availability of their new Ubigi eSIM profiles. eSIMs allow end users to access the internet via cellular networks without having to bother with a physical SIM card. Ubigi eSIM profiles can be obtained free of charge[1] for any compatible device[2] (such as the latest Apple® iPhone XS and XR) at https://cellulardata.ubigi.com/esim-profile/. Ubigi offers users of laptops, tablets and other devices instant internet access worldwide, in more than 140 destinations, at near-to-local prices.

Transatel is among the first operators in the world to provide connectivity services for eSIM-capable devices, having supported the eSIM for Microsoft’s ‘Always Connected PCs’[3] for over four years.

Transatel is also a member of the GSMA taskforce[4], along with 80 major device manufacturers and mobile network operators, defining industry standards for the eSIM[5]. Ubigi, Transatel’s recently launched brand for cellular IoT connectivity, is now making the ‘eSIM option’ a reality for the consumer.

What is the eSIM, and how does it work?

‘eSIM’ stands for ‘embedded SIM’: it’s a built-in SIM card that can work successively with several mobile operators, not just one. The end user can subscribe to a mobile operator’s offer and immediately download the mobile operator’s profile in their eSIM, instead of waiting for the delivery of a physical SIM card.

About Ubigi

Ubigi is Transatel’s new customer-facing brand for worldwide cellular connectivity dedicated to the Internet of Things. The service offers “always connected” wireless capabilities to laptops, tablets, and automobiles, at near-to-local rates in over 140 countries and destinations.

 About Transatel

Transatel offers an unparalleled, eSIM-capable, cellular solution for global IoT connectivity, addressing the connected car, connected objects, and consumer electronics markets. Since its inception in 2000, the company has launched over 170 MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), establishing Transatel as the leading European MVNE/A (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler/Aggregator). Having built a strong expertise in Machine-to-Machine connectivity, the company easily transitioned into the Internet of Things.

[1] Once the Ubigi profile is downloaded, the end user can buy prepaid plans from the Ubigi selfcare app, for more than 140 destinations in the world, with attractively-priced regional bundles.

[1] Selected models from: Apple, Microsoft, Acer, Asus, and Vaio. Cf. comprehensive list at: https://cellulardata.ubigi.com/compatible-devices/

[1] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/lte-connectivity-mobile-plans-app

[1] GSMA: the worldwide association of mobile operators

[1] Cf. our publication on the subject at https://www.transatel.com/press-releases/transatel-supports-gsmas-consumer-remote-sim-provisioning-initiative/

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