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Our job offers

Client Service Manager M/F
Full time
Master's degree
5/10 years exp
Your missions

Within our Customer Service Management team, you will be first and foremost responsible for several accounts. You will therefore ensure the satisfactory fulfillment of Transatel’s contractual agreements, whilst ensuring daily operations, and responding to the ongoing requirements of your client.

Your responsibilities are as follows:

  • You quickly learn and understand complex functions and procedures.
  • You manage customer relations.
  • You guarantee customer satisfaction.
  • You manage communication (atypical requests, changes, escalations and major incidents).
  • You are the internal representative of our clients for their requests and for their high Quality of Service demands.
  • You write Service Reviews (respecting of KPIs and SLAs).
  • You ensure Quality of Service commitments:
    • You are dedicated to best practice in the management of major incidents in conjunction with the appropriate teams.
    • You pilot and manage action plans for the improvement of QoS.
  • With timeyou will be expected to manage the launch of incoming clients for our MVNO and IoT services.
    • You launch, in collaboration with other internal terms, the configuration of new MVNOs.
    • You organize the training of our clients’ operational teams.
Your profile
  • Education level Bac + 5 from Ecole d’Ignénieur or equivalent, you have had a first experience in a Service Management role in an IT environment.
  • With strong communication skills, you have an excellent grasp of interpersonal leadership.
  • You are confident in communication with people in both internal and external capacities.
  • Prioritization, rigor, and organization are also important elements for this position.
  • Our international environment requires fluent English, both written and spoken.

If you are motivated and ready to join a dynamic and ambitious team, come join us !


Individual &
collective bonus

Salary review
twice a year

Remote work up to
2 days per week

Brand new

Varied training

Proximity HR and

Learn more

Recruitment process

About 3 weeks
HR Call
1st interview: Manager / HR
2nd interview: Technical or operationnal
personality test
Welcome and onboarding process
About 3 weeks
HR Call
1st interview: Manager / HR
2nd interview: Technical or operationnal
personality test
Welcome and onboarding process

    ApplyClient Service Manager M/F

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    I may at any time revoke my consent through sending an email to dpo@transatel.com
