• English
  • Français
  • 日本語
  • 中文

Our job offers

Communication and Digital Marketing Officer Bilingual M/F
6 months
Full time
4/5years degree
Internship Level
Paris, La Défense
Your missions

As part of the Communications Department, you will play an active role in implementing Transatel’s B2B communications initiatives, with the main objectives being to..:

  • Developing the image, awareness and visibility of the brand internationally
  • Accelerating commercial growth through lead generation

During your placement, you will be working on all our internal and external communication and operational marketing channels. In particular

  • Content management
    • Designing and writing content in French and English
    • Creating and formatting visuals and multimedia supports (templates, photos, computer graphics, animations, videos, pdf, etc.)
    • Publication / distribution of online and off-line content
  • Web: updating content on our website (WordPress) and optimising its search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Community management: running our social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube in particular)
  • Email marketing: design, layout and configuration of email campaigns and newsletters in our Sarbacane tool
  • Competitive and marketing intelligence: market analysis, competitor analysis and event analysis (relevance, traffic, etc.).

You will also be involved from time to time in the other activities of the communications department (event organisation, press relations, publishing, internal communications, etc.).

Your profile

You are currently studying for a Master’s degree in communications and/or digital marketing and are looking for a minimum 6-month placement at the end of your studies.

This highly progressive internship will be taking place against a backdrop of strong international growth. It is therefore aimed at ambitious, independent candidates who are genuinely keen to get involved and develop their skills by working on a number of projects simultaneously.

You will already have completed one or more work placements in a company or agency, where you have acquired some of the key skills mentioned above in “Your mission”.

You have a good command of WordPress, the Microsoft Office suite (Powerpoint and Excel hold no secrets for you) and graphic production and video editing tools such as Maya or Powtoon. Proficiency in Canva or Prezi is a real plus.

Creative, rigorous and highly organised, you enjoy working in a team and already have a good grounding in project management (communication, coordination, planning, presentations, etc.).

You have a very good level of written and spoken English, and thrive in an international, multicultural team. Your spelling is impeccable and your writing skills impeccable.

Are you passionate about communication, new technologies and B2B? Then come and join us!


Individual &
collective bonus

Salary review
twice a year

Remote work up to
2 days per week

Brand new

Varied training

Proximity HR and

Learn more

    ApplyCommunication and Digital Marketing Officer Bilingual M/F

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