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Our job offers

Process Finance Bilingual M/F
6 months
Full time
4/5years degree
Your missions

You will be part of the Process and Knowledge Management team and will work in immersion in the Finance team for this assignment. You will support the transformation of our company’s financial perimeter to facilitate its recent integration into the NTT group. Our context is changing and we need to adapt to the expectations of our new large group.

You will contribute to the improvement of the working methods and the performance of the financial division on processes such as payroll and purchasing management, cash flow, results and financial statements.

The scope of your activities consists of auditing the existing processes, putting forward improvement hypotheses in collaboration with the experts in place, co-writing the documentary materials and supporting the validation of these processes with all the stakeholders. You will be assisted in these tasks by the Transatel teams as well as by NTT group contacts.

Your profile

You are in training with a BAC+3 or +4 level integrating the fields of industrialization or performance.

You know how to find the balance between rigor and formalism on the one hand, and listening to feedback and adapting to the field on the other.

You have good interpersonal skills and are structured in writing and speaking, in French and English, to conduct interviews, synthesize exchanges, participate in documentation and achieve the validation of improvement hypotheses.

Knowledge of concepts, tools or practices in the context of corporate financial management would be highly appreciated.


Individual &
collective bonus

Salary review
twice a year

Remote work up to
2 days per week

Brand new

Varied training

Proximity HR and

Learn more

    ApplyProcess Finance Bilingual M/F

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