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Our job offers

Public Affairs and Regulatory relations Manager M/F
Master's degree
5/10 years exp
Your missions

With an experience in public affairs, you are looking to join a large company in the telecom sector to represent its best interests toward national and international institutional players.

You will be responsible for managing relations with public authorities in various countries (regulators, legislators, etc.) as well as trade associations, industry working groups and other lobbying bodies. In particular, you will be involved in the worldwide deployment of Transatel’s IoT solution for a major car manufacturer.

More precisely, your missions are the following:

  • Understand the regulatory framework for IoT services in various countries around the world with particular focus on Permanent Roaming and Know Your Customer considerations.
  • Focus on key destinations such as Europe, Middle East, Brazil, China, Turkey.
  • Establish contact and manage relations with regulatory bodies in various countries so that Transatel becomes referenced as a key player in IoT connectivity and ensures that we are consulted by these regulatory bodies when they issue industry consultations.
  • Identify and manage relations with relevant industry associations and working groups.
  • Consolidate insights and findings to share internally.
  • Prepare position papers to share with customers, partners, regulators and other relevant legal bodies.
  • Contribute to lobbying efforts with regulatory bodies to promote Transatel’s positions.
  • Gathering and analysing legal data by creating a synthesis of the relevant regulations for Transatel (KYC, Data protection, legal intercept, licensing etc.)
  • Public affairs management: formalise our position / solution with public decision makers in order to obtain the approval of national regulators.
Your profile
  • You have a degree in telecommunications engineering and a specialisation in telecommunications economics is an asset.
  • You have a good experience in public affairs and have held various positions in the telecom or digital sector within companies, organisations or institutions (Regulator, Federation, Parliament, Ministerial Cabinet, etc.).
  • You have a solid knowledge of telecommunication economics.
  • You are familiar with the legal standards governing the market
  • You have general technical knowledge in order to understand technologies and products.
  • You are able to explain your recommendations in a clear and concise manner.
  • You have good writing skills.
  • You are bilingual in English.


Individual &
collective bonus

Salary review
twice a year

Remote work up to
2 days per week

Brand new

Varied training

Proximity HR and

Learn more

Recruitment process

About 3 weeks
HR Call
1st interview: Manager / HR
2nd interview: Technical or operationnal
personality test
Welcome and onboarding process
About 3 weeks
HR Call
1st interview: Manager / HR
2nd interview: Technical or operationnal
personality test
Welcome and onboarding process

    ApplyPublic Affairs and Regulatory relations Manager M/F

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