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NTT, awarded the Leading Champion Private LTE/5G Network Vendor by Kaleido Intelligence

Kaleido Intelligence, a leading connectivity market intelligence and consulting firm, has announced its latest Private Network Vendor Hub research, providing the most up-to-date rankings and scores for 38 leading vendors in the private LTE/5G network market across three categories: cellular private network solutions, network management, and connectivity. 

We NTT Ltd are so proud to have been recognized as the number 1 vendor for private network connectivity thanks to Transatel’s private and public roaming capabilities. Unlike many virtual operators (MVNO) or simple resellers that appeared on the IoT market these past few years, Transatel has its own telecom infrastructure, direct network access agreements signed with hundreds of local mobile carriers around the world, pioneering eSIM and proprietary SIM technology – enabling any devices to securely and seamlessly connect to both private networks and public cellular networks across the globe.  

To read the full article, click here.

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